Supporting research and researchers addressing the challenges of, while operating within, the 21st century.

What We Do

Research Incubator

JOPRO RESEARCH is supports projects that help bridge the present with worthwhile futures. Many of our collaborations center interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of innovation, and involve Open Source and Open Science principles. 

Vocation Incubator

JOPRO MENTORING promotes professional development alongside a range of transferrable skills. We believe in advocacy, mentoring, and holistic well-being while pursuing solutions to the challenges today and tomorrow.

Working Groups & Projects

Center for EA Learning and Research Grant


Latest Venues & Events

Contact & Connect

Please use the Contact Form for communications.

JOPRO Leadership Team

Jesse Parent: Founder & Director

Jennifer Jiang: Deputy Program Manager

Avery Lim: Research and Vision

Bradly Alicea: Education Advisor

Opportunities & Internships

New: Cognition Futures Research Fellowship

Please see partner or affiliate websites for specific details about their opportunities, internships, or collaborations.


Based in Boston, we celebrate innovation and collaboration beyond the boarders of disciplines and timezones.